I’ll look all around the area for whatever suits me best. Sorry, do you mean her place or the place of my own? She lives in Northampton-that’s close to Amherst. I’ll be staying with her when I arrive, until I find a place of my own.”

My former tutor from LSE teaches in Amherst now, at the university there. Now they’ve grown up I can go back to my life.” “My siblings and I were orphaned just after I finished uni. “You were the manager of a dry-cleaning shop and now you’re on your way to a PhD program in sociology?” The woman who brought this in said she didn’t want it when we couldn’t get rid of the stain.” She pointed to the grease mark on the pocket. “This isn’t yours,” she said, and Isma was sure she didn’t mean because it’s at least a size too large but rather it’s too nice for someone like you. Finally she reached for the designer-label down jacket Isma had folded over a chair back when she entered, and held it up, one hand pinching each shoulder. She’d made sure not to pack anything that would invite comment or questions-no Quran, no family pictures, no books on her area of academic interest-but even so, the officer took hold of every item of Isma’s clothing and ran it between her thumb and fingers, not so much searching for hidden pockets as judging the quality of the material. She had expected the interrogation, but not the hours of waiting that would precede it, nor that it would feel so humiliating to have the contents of her suitcase inspected. The ticket wouldn’t be refunded, because the airline took no responsibility for passengers who arrived at the airport three hours ahead of the departure time and were escorted to an interrogation room. Find more great reads on the Here & Now bookshelf.

Shamsie ( joins Here & Now's Robin Young to talk about the book. (Robin Lubbock/WBUR) This article is more than 4 years old.Īuthor Kamila Shamsie's new novel " Home Fire" uses the Greek tragedy "Antigone" as inspiration to tell the story of two British Muslim sisters whose lives are torn apart when their brother is recruited into ISIS. NOTE: the overall style is not the same as Skyfall scene as it will be darker and more sinister."Home Fire," by Kamila Shamsie. However when shooting from the observation room to the interrogation room does the two way mirror pose any issues as I havent shot with one before, i notice in the above Skyfall scene that it is a bit darker so was that the natural way the mirror darkens it or was that created by your lighting Roger and you just took the mirror out for those shots? no VFX budget so will need to use angles to avoid seeing crew/camera in the mirror. I noticed they are shaped lighting wise to one side for their tighter single shots so was this just adding negative fill or did you add a light to key them more? Roger was the Skyfall 'Bond and Psychiatrist' room just lit by the overhead square of practicals? or what else did you use. My best option i can think of so far is to have the quazar practicals overhead lower than I might and then put other LED panels on the ceiling in each direction and due to being higher than the practical keep them out of shot. I can obviously just bounced some light out of shot but will have to then move this bounce between shots so would ideally like to find a way to do this whilst the levels and where it hits stay the same.

No practicals on the walls so cannot use that technique. We have quite a low ceiling due to the room the set is built in, so is no room for spacelights hanging down and I am trying to work out a way to add general light levels to the interroration room as the Quazars I dont think will give out enough light that we see the walls enough. When we move in closer (not that often) to singles of them then use bounce to light rather than adding extra lights I would think. Shooting style will be longish takes some of the time but not much movement of camera.Ī few questions of things I am working through and perhaps Roger and the rest of you great Cinematographers will have knowledge on.ġ: Practical overhead of interrogation table, I am thinking two 4ft Quazer Science Crossfades parallel occasionally in shot but also acting as key lights to the subjects at table. It is set largely in police station with heavy weighting scene wise to the interrogation room and the observation room that looks through 2 way glass to it. I am about to start filming in 2 weeks on my first feature (wahey!) as Cinematographer.